
Over the last 30 years, we've witnessed drastic technological developments such as audio visual, wireless mechanisms and the discovery plastic. From black & white 10 inch to 47 inch LCD televisions, huge palm sized handphone to a third of its weight and size, plain green font computers to mutlicolor and size computers. Now, almost 70% of our household items are made of plastics, "Everyone can fly" with no frills airlines like Air Asia and "Everyone can drive" with affordable automobiles.

We've also witnessed a great shift in world economy from trading of real goods to the shift of wealth amongst people via world share and commodity trading markets. I realise that if I don't exit fast the market at its high fast enough, my wealth gets shifted to someone else's pocket instead.

All these were made possible with the help of one great invention; the computer. On one hand, these has given us all great comfort in life but on the other hand, these developments has resulted in global warming, which is the beginning of the destruction of the earth. When the weather gets hot, we create air-condition to cool ourselves down at the expense of making the globe warmer. When we're too busy climbing the corporate ladder, the demand for convenience such as packed food and disposable diapers, resulted in a high demand for plastics that leads to non-biodegradable rubbish piling up.

How then, can we help preserve it for our future generation?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Series 7 : Home cook food

As a busy working mum, providing home cooked food for my family was truly a BIG challenge. Being not able to cook for my kids all the time, I started looking out for alternatives such as getting "Surrogate Mums". ;-)

"Surrogate Mum" alternatives that I've used are:-

a) Getting my neighbor to cook for my family - didn't last long as neighbor ran out of idea on what to cook for me and decided to stop the "service" after 1 year
b) Getting my neighbor to cook for my schooling kid  - she helped me fetch my kid back from school and provided dinner to him too. Her family were vegetarian (thank goodness my kid was not fussy) and this arrangement lasted for 2 years!
c) Getting the day care nursery to also provide dinner for my kid - some day cares provide this service. Put this as one of the criteria to look out for.
d) Look for school kids day care - my kid currently goes for tuition at a teacher's house in the morning. She provides him with home cooked food after tuition and then fetches him to school.

One last best option would be to cook simple dinner dishes after work for the whole family - this is what I currenlty do. I've successfully cooked 2 dishes a day (1 meat, 1 green vegetables) simple meal for 3 months consecutively now...Some suggestions are:- steam fish, steam chicken, steam minced pork, soya chicken, potatoes with carrot and minced meat, spaghetti PLUS selection of various green vegetables (fried with little oil/poached). Remember to use only fresh ingredients, where possible. Use less canned/preserved/dried ingredients.

Happy to share that my kids has no problem eating green leavy vegetables. I remember hating these when I was young!

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